Treasure from the Past Game

Treasure from the PastTreasure from the Past Game: Searching around our old house always can be very interesting, that is for sure. Probably, the most interesting thing about this, is discovering objects that are not used today. Something that looks antique, but it’s still interesting to be seen. Young Dorothy, together with her father Mark, come in one small village. It is about the village where Dorothy’s ancestors were born. Or more precisely, there is the house that belonged to her grandfather. In Treasure from the Past Game: Mark, Dorothy’s father, has spend his whole childhood there. It was the time before Mark and his parents moved into the city. So now he likes to show this place to his daughter.

Mark likes his daughter to see the house that hides many beautiful objects. And some of them, even though they are rather old, are still very valuable. Dorothy is very happy about this visit in Treasure from the Past Game. So she hardly waits to see what is hidden inside her grandfather’s house. Maybe we will also find something interesting her. So let’s start searching around together and see what can this place offer. You can play this game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun in playing Treasure from the Past Game.

Also make sure to check Hidden Past Game and Forgotten Property Game. You may enjoy playing them.

Play Treasure from the Past Game