Unknown Queen Game

Unknown QueenUnknown Queen Game: There are always some secrets and intrigues in the royal families. Why is it like that? Because the royal power is desirable for many people and it also includes numerous benefits like money, treasure and honors. Maybe someone likes to be a king or a queen from noble reasons. But there are people who like to take an advantage from that, running to get the title no matter what. Elizabeth is the unknown queen in her own Kingdom. Actually, she is the first wife of the king that is secretly expelled from the palace, forcibly. Time has come when Elizabeth likes to prove that she is still the official queen of the kingdom, now when the king has a new wife.

In Unknown Queen Game: The king has deceived his people by telling them that the queen Elizabeth is actually dead because that was the only way for him to get a permission for having a new wife. That sounds rather despicably but the king believed that it will work. Elizabeth is with her best friends Paul and Dorothy. And they will try their best to find the needed objects that will prove the truth about the queen. You can play Unknown Queen Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Also make sure to check Unknown Reason Game, you may enjoy playing it.

Play Unknown Queen Game